Contributed by Friendship Museum
This is a view of the Seaview Hotel, which was built on the land belonging to the Davis family for whom Davis Point was named. Emery Davis built the house in 1840. The house sits on a hill overlooking Friendship harbor. The rich history of the Davis family during the Civil War is chronicled in "The Amanda Letters" by Courtney McLachian.
Robert Armstrong bought the property in 1899 and added the additions to the left of the house to accommodate families visiting their sons at Camp Durrell. On the roof of the porch is a sign saying "SEAVIEW."
About This Item
- Title: The Seaview Hotel, Friendship, ca. 1910
- Creation Date: circa 1910
- Subject Date: circa 1910
- Location: Davis Point, Friendship, Knox County, ME
- Media: Photographic print
- Dimensions: 6.12 cm x 10.96 cm
- Object Type: Image
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For more information about this item, contact:
Friendship MuseumPO Box 226, Friendship, ME 04547
(207) 832-4899
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