Contributed by Walker Memorial Library
The Warren Memorial Library, began in 1879 as the Cumberland Mills Library. It was located in one room over the main office of the S. D. Warren paper mill, for the use of the mill employees. In 1908, the library moved to 479 Main Street.
In 1930, the Warren Memorial Foundation, which oversaw the trust for the library, decided to open the library to all Westbrook citizens. The library continued to grow and also opened an auditorium for performances.
In 2009, the Warren Memorial foundation decided that, due to economic issues, they were unable to keep the library open and closed the library's doors for good in May of that year.
About This Item
- Title: Warren Memorial Library, Westbrook, ca. 1950
- Creator: Merrimack Post card Co.
- Creation Date: circa 1950
- Subject Date: circa 1950
- Location: Westbrook, Cumberland County, ME
- Media: Photographic print
- Dimensions: 8.75 cm x 14 cm
- Local Code: Notebook 12
- Object Type: Image
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For more information about this item, contact:
Walker Memorial Library800 Main Street, Westbrook, ME 04092
(207) 854-0630
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