Keywords: 1907
Item 102915
Class of 1907 at Lincoln Academy, Newcastle, 1907
Contributed by: Lincoln Academy Date: circa 1907 Location: Newcastle Media: Photographic print
Item 30949
Old Orchard Beach Pier after fire of 1907, Old Orchard, 1907
Contributed by: McArthur Public Library Date: 1907 Location: Old Orchard Beach Media: Photographic print
Item 150877
Preliminary Plan, Kennebunk, 1907
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1907 Location: Kennebunk Client: William A. Rogers Architect: Olmsted Brothers
Item 150503
House for Charles B. Day, Richmond, 1907
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1907 Location: Richmond Client: Charles B. Day Architect: Coombs and Gibbs Architects
Drawing Together: Art of the Longfellows
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow is best know as a poet, but he also was accomplished in drawing and music. He shared his love of drawing with most of his siblings. They all shared the frequent activity of drawing and painting with their children. The extended family included many professional as well as amateur artists, and several architects.
Women at the turn of the 20th century were increasingly involved in paid work outside the home. For wage-earning women in the Old Port section of Portland, the jobs ranged from canning fish and vegetables to setting type. A study done in 1907 found many women did not earn living wages.
Site Page
Blue Hill, Maine - Swimming, Blue Hill, 1907
"Swimming, Blue Hill, 1907 Contributed by Blue Hill Public Library Description Swimming at the Bathing Beach in Blue Hill during the…"
Site Page
Blue Hill, Maine - Picnicking, Blue Hill, 1907
"Picnicking, Blue Hill, 1907 Contributed by Blue Hill Public Library Description Picnicking along the coast of Blue Hill in 1907."
A Note from a Maine-American
by William Dow Turner
With 7 generations before statehood, and 5 generations since, Maine DNA carries on.
A first encounter with Bath and its wonderful history
by John Decker
Visiting the Maine Maritime Museum as part of a conference