Keywords: 94
Item 94
Biplane, Old Orchard Beach, ca. 1927
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society/MaineToday Media Date: 1927 Location: Old Orchard Beach Media: Glass Negative
Item 17486
Bangor and Aroostook GP-38, Presque Isle, 1991
Contributed by: Oakfield Historical Society Date: 1991-07-20 Location: Presque Isle Media: Photographic print
Item 85237
Bryant property, Lot 94, Little Chebeague Island, Portland, 1924
Owner in 1924: Ralph N. Bryant Use: Summer Dwelling
Item 88223
Elliott property, Island Avenue, Lot 94, Peaks Island, Portland, 1924
Owner in 1924: Florence I. Elliott Use: Dwelling
Item 151569
J. B. Brown flats on Neal St., Portland, 1907
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1907 Location: Portland Client: J. B. Brown & Sons Architect: John Calvin Stevens and John Howard Stevens Architects
Item 150460
Cobb Shoe Factory, Auburn, 1888
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1888 Location: Auburn Client: Cobb, Architect: George M. Coombs
George W. Hinckley and Needy Boys and Girls
George W. Hinckley wanted to help needy boys. The farm, school and home he ran for nearly sixty nears near Fairfield stressed home, religion, education, discipline, industry, and recreation.
Waldoboro Fire Department's 175 Years
While the town of Waldoboro was chartered in 1773, it began organized fire protection in 1838 with a volunteer fire department and a hand pump fire engine, the Water Witch.
Site Page
Bath's Historic Downtown - 94 Front Street
"After he ceased business at 94 Front Street, Gershom H. Palmer moved to Ohio, to pursue the wagon and carriage business, until his death in July of…"
Site Page
Bath's Historic Downtown - Student Exhibits
"… Grant Building The Patten Free Library The Railroad Station Sagadahoc Block and Sagadahock House The Sagadahoc County Courthouse 94 Front Street"
Nicole Morin-Scribner: living the dreams of her immigrant parent
by Biddeford Cultural & Heritage Center
A 6-year-old immigrant makes the most of her opportunities while staying connected to her roots
Rug Hooking Project with a Story
by Marilyn Weymouth Seguin
My grandmother taught me the Maine craft of rug hooking when I was a child.