Keywords: Antiques
Item 40463
Parade of Horribles and Antiques, Portland, 1920
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society/MaineToday Media Date: 1920-07-05 Location: Portland Media: Glass Negative
Item 40468
Maine Centennial Parade of Horribles, 1920
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society/MaineToday Media Date: 1920-07-05 Location: Portland Media: Glass Negative
Item 70643
Assessor's Record, 88-90 Preble Street, Portland, 1924
Owner in 1924: Estate of John Sullivan Use: Shop - Antique
Item 151395
Sarajo Gallery, Portland, 2007
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 2007 Location: Portland Clients: Yosi Barzilai; Sarajo Gallery Architect: Carol A. Wilson; Carol A. Wilson Architect
Item 151396
Sarajo Gallery, New York, New York, 2016
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 2016 Location: New York Clients: Yosi Barzilai; Grant Lindsey Architect: Carol A. Wilson; Carol A. Wilson Architect
Gifts From Gluskabe: Maine Indian Artforms
According to legend, the Great Spirit created Gluskabe, who shaped the world of the Native People of Maine, and taught them how to use and respect the land and the resources around them. This exhibit celebrates the gifts of Gluskabe with Maine Indian art works from the early nineteenth to mid twentieth centuries.
Immigration is one of the most debated topics in Maine. Controversy aside, immigration is also America's oldest tradition, and along with religious tolerance, what our nation was built upon. Since the first people--the Wabanaki--permitted Europeans to settle in the land now known as Maine, we have been a state of immigrants.
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Salmon Brook Historical Society
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Thomaston: The Town that Went to Sea - Prison leaves Thomaston - 2002
"… By the 21st century, the prison was again quite antiquated. A new larger facility was built in the neighboring town of Warren, and prisoners were…"
Monument Square 1967
by C. Michael Lewis
The background story and research behind a commissioned painting of Monument Square.
Apple Time - a visit to the ancestral farm
by Randy Randall
Memories from childhood of visiting the family homestead in Limington during apple picking time.