Keywords: Bangor Fruit Company
Item 31298
Central Street, Economy's Market, Bangor, ca. 1935
Contributed by: Bangor Historical Society Date: circa 1935 Location: Bangor Media: Photographic print
Item 31300
F. W. Hill Block, Bangor, ca. 1935
Contributed by: Bangor Historical Society Date: circa 1935 Location: Bangor Media: Photographic print
Field & Homefront: Bethel during the Civil War
Like many towns, Bethel responded to the Civil War by sending many soldiers and those at the homefront sent aid and supported families. The town grew during the war, but suffered after its end.
Maine's Untold Vegetarian History
Vegetarianism has deep roots in Maine and this first-of-its-kind exhibition explores this untold story.
Site Page
John Martin: Expert Observer - Scrapbook 1: 1885-1899, Katahdin Iron Works, Silver Lake Hotel
"… Charcoal Iron finances and closing, Martin fruit trees Part 4, pages 121-end Family history in Ellsworth, Bangor area; butchering, work for…"
Site Page
Presque Isle: The Star City - Arthur R. Gould
"While working in Bangor, Gould met 19-year old Mary Frances Donovan at a series of dances. He began courting her and they were soon married."