Keywords: Casinos
Item 69978
Casino & Pier, Old Orchard Beach, ca. 1928
Contributed by: Boston Public Library Date: circa 1928 Location: Old Orchard Beach Media: Postcard
Item 69981
The pier, Old Orchard Beach, ca. 1938
Contributed by: Boston Public Library Date: circa 1938 Location: Old Orchard Beach Media: Linen texture postcard
Item 98952
1929-2013 Forest Avenue, Portland, 1924
Owner in 1924: Riverton Realty Company Use: Casino - Office - Dining
Item 88582
Little Diamond Island Association property, Fessenden Avenue, Little Diamond Island, Portland, 1924
Owner in 1924: Little Diamond Island Association Use: Casino and Wharf
Item 151756
Hall, Casino, and Chapel buildings, Squirrel Island, Southport, 1879-1900
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
Date: 1878–1900
Location: Southport
Client: unknown
Architect: George M. Coombs; Coombs & Gibbs; Stevens & Coombs
This record contains 19 images.
Item 150986
Casino for Marielatus Club Lovietts Heights, South Portland, ca. 1905
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: circa 1905 Location: South Portland Client: Marielatus Club Architect: Frederick A. Tompson
History in Motion: The Era of the Electric Railways
Street railways, whether horse-drawn or electric, required the building of trestles and tracks. The new form of transportation aided industry, workers, vacationers, and other travelers.
At the heyday of trolleys in Maine, many of the trolley companies developed recreational facilities along or at the end of trolley lines as one further way to encourage ridership. The parks often had walking paths, dance pavilions, and various other entertainments. Cutting-edge technology came together with a thirst for adventure and forever changed social dynamics in the process.
Site Page
Lincoln, Maine - Gateway Motors
"In 1922, the business started out as Casino Motors, owned by Mr. Allie Webber. Casino Motors was a large structure with a capacity to sell 100 cars."
Site Page
Mount Desert Island: Shaped by Nature - Building Of The Arts Era
"This Casino was not intended for gambling but rather as a venue for theater, sporting events, dances, concerts, town meetings, graduations, and other…"