Keywords: Centennial
Item 36277
Centennial Trophy, Lubec, 1911, 1911
Contributed by: Lubec Historical Society Date: 1911-07-03 Location: Lubec Media: Metal, silver plated
Item 81181
Centennial Committee, Princeton, 1932
Contributed by: Princeton Public Library Date: 1932 Location: Princeton Media: Photographic print
Item 85129
Cushman property, S. Side Centennial Street, Peaks Island, Portland, 1924
Owner in 1924: Nathan A. Cushman Use: Dwelling
Item 85131
Cushman property, E. Side Centennial Street, Peaks Island, Portland, 1924
Owner in 1924: Nathan A. Cushman Use: Workshop
Item 150730
Centennial Block for Herbest & Merrill, Lewiston, 1876
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1876 Location: Lewiston Client: Herbest & Merrill Architect: Stevens and Coombs Architects
Item 151737
Mrs. Welch house alterations, Portland, 1938
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1938 Location: Portland Client: F. B. W. Welch Architect: John Calvin Stevens and John Howard Stevens Architects
Passamaquoddy Indians from Washington County traveled to Portland in 1920 to take part in the Maine Centennial Exposition. They set up an "Indian Village" at Deering Oaks Park.
Shaarey Tphiloh, Portland's Orthodox Synagogue
Shaarey Tphiloh was founded in 1904 by immigrants from Eastern Europe. While accommodating to American society, the Orthodox synagogue also has retained many of its traditions.
Site Page
Lubec, Maine - Lubec's 1911 Centennial Celebration - Page 2 of 2
"Centennial program, Lubec, 1911 Lubec Historical Society Use of the zoom tool to read Monday's schedule, upper left of the program, lists a…"
Site Page
Lubec, Maine - Lubec's 1911 Centennial Celebration - Page 1 of 2
"Water Street decorated for Centennial, Lubec, 1911Lubec Memorial Library Centennial on Water Street, Lubec, 1911 Lubec Historical Society The…"