Keywords: Charles E. Moody School
Item 7328
Moody School, Good Will Farm, Fairfield, 1911
Contributed by: L.C. Bates Museum / Good Will-Hinckley Homes Date: 1911 Location: Fairfield Media: Photographic print
Item 55223
Classroom, Fairfield, ca. 1930
Contributed by: L.C. Bates Museum / Good Will-Hinckley Homes Date: circa 1930 Location: Fairfield Media: Photographic print
George W. Hinckley and Needy Boys and Girls
George W. Hinckley wanted to help needy boys. The farm, school and home he ran for nearly sixty nears near Fairfield stressed home, religion, education, discipline, industry, and recreation.
Graduations -- and schools -- in the 19th through the first decade of the 20th century often were small affairs and sometimes featured student presentations that demonstrated what they had learned. They were not necessarily held in May or June, what later became the standard "end of the school year."