Search Results

Keywords: Co I, 31st ME Infantry

Historical Items

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Item 73127

Walter Rounds Letter to his Cousin Abbie, 1864

Contributed by: Diana Letellier through Sebago Historical Society Date: 1864-09-29 Media: Ink on paper

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Item 73114

Sergeant Walter Rounds Letter, VA, 1863

Contributed by: Sebago Historical Society Date: 1863-11-19 Location: Petersburg; Richmond; Baldwin; Charleston Media: Pencil on paper

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Item 64626

Letter to John Sheahan about son, 1865

Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1865 Location: Dennysville Media: Ink on paper

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Online Exhibits

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John P. Sheahan, 1st Maine Cavalry, 31st Maine Infantry

John P. Sheahan of Dennysville served in the 1st Maine Cavalry from August 1862 until March 1864 when he was commissioned as a lieutenant in Co. E of the 31st Maine Infantry. His letters reveal much about the life of a soldier, including political views and thoughts about the war.


The Sanitary Commission: Meeting Needs of Soldiers, Families

The Sanitary Commission, formed soon after the Civil War began in the spring of 1861, dealt with the health, relief needs, and morale of soldiers and their families. The Maine Agency helped families and soldiers with everything from furloughs to getting new socks.


This Rebellion: Maine and the Civil War

For Mainers like many other people in both the North and the South, the Civil War, which lasted from 1861-1865, had a profound effect on their lives. Letters, artifacts, relics, and other items saved by participants at home and on the battlefield help illuminate the nature of the Civil War experience for Mainers.