Keywords: Declaration
Item 34722
Dunlap Declaration of Independence, 1776
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1776-07-04 Location: Philadelphia Media: Ink on paper
Item 6049
North Yarmouth Copy of the Declaration of Independence, 1776
Contributed by: Maine State Archives Date: 1776-07-04 Location: Philadelphia Media: Paper
Item 151475
David A. Calhoun house, Cape Elizabeth, 1904
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1904 Location: Cape Elizabeth Client: David A. Calhoun Architect: John Calvin Stevens
Unlocking the Declaration's Secrets
Fewer than 30 copies of the first printing of the Declaration of Independence are known to exist. John Dunlap hurriedly printed copies for distribution to assemblies, conventions, committees and military officers. Authenticating authenticity of the document requires examination of numerous details of the broadside.
John Hancock's Relation to Maine
The president of the Continental Congress and the Declaration's most notable signatory, John Hancock, has ties to Maine through politics, and commercial businesses, substantial property, vacations, and family.
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Historic Hallowell - Day 4 - Page 1 of 3
"Maine was declared a disaster area. Now there were 270,000 outages of power and 500,000 people are without power! Over 11,000 Canadian troops came to…"
Site Page
"… informing him that “the River Penobscot has always been deem'd and declared to be the Western boundary of Accadia or Nova Scotia.”"
Ivory-billed Woodpeckers
by Doug Hitchcox, Staff Naturalist at Maine Audubon
The Ivory-billed Woodpecker in the Portland Society of Natural History Collections
Maine and the Atlantic World Slave Economy
by Seth Goldstein
How Maine's historic industries are tied to slavery