Keywords: Deering Oaks
Item 148237
Bandstand, Deering Oaks Park, Portland, 1887
Contributed by: City of Portland - Planning & Development Date: 1887-08-02 Location: Portland Media: Photographic print
Item 148247
Deering Oaks Park, Portland, 1887
Contributed by: City of Portland - Planning & Development Date: 1887-09-05 Location: Portland Media: Photographic Print
Item 150884
Rock Garden for Deering Oaks, Detail of Planning, Portland, 1935
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1935 Location: Portland Client: City of Portland Architect: unknown
Item 150909
Waiting room at Deering Oaks Park, Portland, 1894
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1894 Location: Portland Client: unknown Architect: Frederick A. Tompson
Passamaquoddy Indians from Washington County traveled to Portland in 1920 to take part in the Maine Centennial Exposition. They set up an "Indian Village" at Deering Oaks Park.
A Portland newspaper wrote about an ice storm of January 28, 1886 saying, "The city of Portland was visited yesterday by the most inconvenient storm of the season."
Site Page
"… by members of the Wabanaki community at Deering Oaks was a crowd and media favorite. The state of Maine invited European and Asian allied nations…"
Site Page
Architecture & Landscape database - Frederick A. Tompson
"… Evergreen Cemetery (1902), the Castle in Deering Oaks (1894), the Armory on Milk Street (1895), the Masonic Temple on Congress Street (1912), the…"
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