Keywords: Drinkers
Item 104491
Two women with whiskey glasses, ca. 1854
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: circa 1854 Media: Tintype
Item 98898
Lucretia Sewall letter to husband about baby, Portland, 1837
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1837 Location: Portland; New York Media: Ink on paper
Rum, Riot, and Reform - 1820 to 1865: Temperance and the Maine Law
"Indeed, Dow left the moderates behind, including wine drinker Governor William King, who founded the first statewide temperance association."
Rum, Riot, and Reform - Politics and Enforcement
"… the latter, "I have been a run-seller and a run-drinker, and have brought my wife and children into trouble and ppoverty, and I do not see how…"
History of Forest Gardens
by Gary Libby
This is a history of one of Portland's oldest local bars