Keywords: Farming practices
Item 100645
Desert of Maine, Freeport, ca. 1936
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: circa 1936 Location: Freeport Media: Photographic print
Item 66478
The Desert of Maine, Freeport, ca. 1938
Contributed by: Boston Public Library Date: circa 1938 Location: Freeport Media: Linen texture postcard
Among the Lungers: Treating TB
Tuberculosis -- or consumption as it often was called -- claimed so many lives and so threatened the health of communities that private organizations and, by 1915, the state, got involved in TB treatment. The state's first tuberculosis sanatorium was built on Greenwood Mountain in Hebron and introduced a new philosophy of treatment.
The Establishment of the Troy Town Forest
Seavey Piper, a selectman, farmer, landowner, and leader of the Town of Troy in the 1920s through the early 1950s helped establish a town forest on abandoned farm land in Troy. The exhibit details his work over ten years.
Site Page
Cumberland & North Yarmouth - Our Shared History - Page 3 of 4
"… and advocating for excellence in farming practices. Wescustogo Grange Hall, dedicated in 1959, was built through volunteer labor and financed with…"
Site Page
Farmington: Franklin County's Shiretown - Early Settlers
"Penmanship Practice produced in BrunswickFarmington Historical Society Stephen Titcomb, reputed to be the first settler, came to Farmington before…"
Vegetarians and Zoonosis
by Avery Yale Kamila
Colds, influenza, tuberculosis, measles, smallpox, plague and COVID-19 group under zoonotic diseases
John Coyne from Waterville Enlists as a Railroad Man in WWI
by Mary D. Coyne
Description of conditions railroad men endured and family background on John Coyne.
Lesson Plan
Teddy Roosevelt, Millie, and the Elegant Ride Companion Curriculum
Grade Level: 3-5, 6-8
Content Area: Social Studies
These lesson plans were developed by Maine Historical Society for the Seashore Trolley Museum as a companion curriculum for the historical fiction YA novel "Teddy Roosevelt, Millie, and the Elegant Ride" by Jean. M. Flahive (2019). The novel tells the story of Millie Thayer, a young girl who dreams of leaving the family farm, working in the city, and fighting for women's suffrage. Millie's life begins to change when a "flying carpet" shows up in the form of an electric trolley that cuts across her farm and when a fortune-teller predicts that Millie's path will cross that of someone famous. Suddenly, Millie finds herself caught up in events that shake the nation, Maine, and her family. The lesson plans in this companion curriculum explore a variety of topics including the history of the trolley use in early 20th century Maine, farm and rural life at the turn of the century, the story of Theodore Roosevelt and his relationship with Maine, WWI, and the flu pandemic of 1918-1920.