Keywords: Flood damage
Item 20493
Mill Street damage during the 1987 flood
Contributed by: Pejepscot History Center Date: 1987-04-02 Location: Topsham Media: Photographic print
Item 20480
Contributed by: Pejepscot History Center Date: 1936-03-20 Location: Brunswick Media: Postcard
Photojournalism & the 1936 Flood
Photojournalism & the 1936 Flood examines the monumental destruction caused by the historic flood of 1936 through the comprehensive and innovative photojournalism done by the Guy Gannett Publishing Company in the weeks surrounding the flood.
Melting snow, ice, warmer temperatures, and rain sometimes bring floods to Maine's many rivers and streams. Floods are most frequent in the spring, but can occur at any season.
Site Page
Historic Hallowell - Hallowell Floods
"An example of what the flood had caused was the destroyed Richmond-Dresden toll bridge. The cost of the damage was a total of $260,000."
Site Page
Life on a Tidal River - The Great Bangor Floods: 1902 and 1976
"Along with all floods come damage. Two hundred to three hundred thousand dollars were spent putting our beloved city back on its feet."