Keywords: Flower Business
Item 29981
Arno S. Chase flower delivery wagon, Cumberland, ca. 1910
Contributed by: Phil Chase through Prince Memorial Library Date: circa 1910 Location: Cumberland Media: Photographic print
Item 31023
Arno S. Chase greenhouse interior, Cumberland, 1930
Contributed by: Phil Chase through Prince Memorial Library Date: 1930 Location: Cumberland Media: Photographic print
A City Awakes: Arts and Artisans of Early 19th Century Portland
Portland's growth from 1786 to 1860 spawned a unique social and cultural environment and fostered artistic opportunity and creative expression in a broad range of the arts, which flowered with the increasing wealth and opportunity in the city.
Promoting Rockland Through a Stereopticon, 1875
Frank Crockett and photographer J.P. Armbrust took stereo views of Rockland's downtown, industry, and notable homes in the 1870s as a way to promote tourism to the town.
Site Page
John Martin: Expert Observer - Annie Martin as zephyr, Bangor, 1866
"… Throwing blossoms all around," as they threw flower petals into the air. John Martin (1823-1904), a Bangor accountant and shopkeeper, drew the…"
Site Page
Lincoln, Maine - Solomon's Store
"The House of Crafts and Flowers sells flowers, jewelry, and craft materials. The comparison is very strong between Solomon Store and House of Crafts…"
A Maine Family's story of being Prisoners of War in Manila
by Nicki Griffin
As a child, born after the war, I would hear these stories - glad they were finally written down