Keywords: Global maps
Item 7575
Lucia Wadsworth's Geometry and Geography School Book, 1794
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
Date: 1794
Media: Ink on paper
This record contains 50 images.
Building the International Appalachian Trail
Wildlife biologist Richard Anderson first proposed the International Appalachian Trail (IAT) in 1993. The IAT is a long-distance hiking trail along the modern-day Appalachian, Caledonian, and Atlas Mountain ranges, geological descendants of the ancient Central Pangean Mountains. Today, the IAT stretches from the Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument in Maine, through portions of Canada, Greenland, Iceland, the Faroe Islands, and Europe, and into northern Africa.
The history of the region now known as Maine did not begin at statehood in 1820. What was Maine before it was a state? How did Maine separate from Massachusetts? How has the Maine we experience today been shaped by thousands of years of history?
Site Page
Farmington: Franklin County's Shiretown - Maps
"All the other maps were built on the base map. Farmington Base Map Farmington Agricultural Sites Farmington Cemeteries Farmington Cultural Interest…"
Site Page
"… Sieur de Monts and Samuel de Champlain noted and mapped the area from 1602-1606. John Smith passed through in 1614."