Keywords: I. Nichols
Item 6040
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: circa 1806 Location: Portland Media: Leather, paint
Item 23575
Letter of gratitude for treatment, 1908
Contributed by: Maine State Archives Date: 1908-12-01 Location: Biddeford; Hebron Media: Pencil on paper
Item 57847
8-16 Henry Street, Portland, 1924
Owner in 1924: Albert S. Rines Use: Garage
Item 57848
8-16 Henry Street, Portland, 1924
Owner in 1924: Albert S. Rines Use: Hotel
Among the Lungers: Treating TB
Tuberculosis -- or consumption as it often was called -- claimed so many lives and so threatened the health of communities that private organizations and, by 1915, the state, got involved in TB treatment. The state's first tuberculosis sanatorium was built on Greenwood Mountain in Hebron and introduced a new philosophy of treatment.
The Sanitary Commission: Meeting Needs of Soldiers, Families
The Sanitary Commission, formed soon after the Civil War began in the spring of 1861, dealt with the health, relief needs, and morale of soldiers and their families. The Maine Agency helped families and soldiers with everything from furloughs to getting new socks.
A Note from a Maine-American
by William Dow Turner
With 7 generations before statehood, and 5 generations since, Maine DNA carries on.