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Keywords: Incident reports

Historical Items

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Item 23910

George Pierce on Bowdoin incident, Brunswick, 1823

Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1823 Location: Brunswick Media: Ink on paper

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Item 74388

George Henry Preble plea for reinstatement, Mobile, AL, 1862

Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1862 Location: Mobile Media: Ink on paper

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Item 74391

G. Henry Preble report on breach of blockade, 1862

Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1862 Location: Mobile Media: Ink on paper

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Online Exhibits

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Commander George Henry Preble

George Henry Preble of Portland, nephew of Edward Preble who was known as the father of the U.S. Navy, temporarily lost his command during the Civil War when he was charged with failing to stop a Confederate ship from getting through the Union blockade at Mobile.


Father John Bapst: Catholicism's Defender and Promoter

Father John Bapst, a Jesuit, knew little of America or Maine when he arrived in Old Town in 1853 from Switzerland. He built churches and defended Roman Catholics against Know-Nothing activists, who tarred and feathered the priest in Ellsworth in 1854.


Liberty Threatened: Maine in 1775

At Lexington and Concord, on April 19, 1775, British troops attempted to destroy munitions stored by American colonists. The battles were the opening salvos of the American Revolution. Shortly, the conflict would erupt in Maine.

Site Pages

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Site Page

John Martin: Expert Observer - Benjamin Kimball, Bangor, ca. 1867

"… he lost most of his business as a result of the incident. Kimball and Martin were both Republicans; Hayford was a Democrat."

Site Page

Thomaston: The Town that Went to Sea - Atticus: A Fugitive Slave

"About 50 years after the incident, it is rumored that Atticus, then an elderly man, approached a grandson of Captain Philbrook, who happened to be…"

Site Page

Blue Hill, Maine - Educating Blue Hill

"Even so, the schools did gradually improve: one incident recorded involves a student who purposefully allowed a schoolhouse to burn down so that a…"

My Maine Stories

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Vietnam Memoirs
by David Chessey