Keywords: Jacob Miller
Item 18456
Mary Cunningham Miller, Houlton, ca. 1880
Contributed by: Aroostook County Historical and Art Museum Date: circa 1880 Location: Houlton; Gagetown Media: Photographic print
Item 18450
Jacob Miller, Houlton, ca. 1880
Contributed by: Aroostook County Historical and Art Museum Date: circa 1880 Location: Houlton; Gagetown Media: Photographic print
Shaarey Tphiloh, Portland's Orthodox Synagogue
Shaarey Tphiloh was founded in 1904 by immigrants from Eastern Europe. While accommodating to American society, the Orthodox synagogue also has retained many of its traditions.
The British capture and occupation of Eastport 1814-1818
The War of 1812 ended in December 1814, but Eastport continued to be under British control for another four years. Eastport was the last American territory occupied by the British from the War of 1812 to be returned to the United States. Except for the brief capture of two Aleutian Islands in Alaska by the Japanese in World War II, it was the last time since 2018 that United States soil was occupied by a foreign government.
Site Page
Lubec, Maine - McCurdy Herring Smokehouse - Page 4 of 4
"Miller Family Smokehouse, LubecLubec Historical Society Herring horse: Another important artifact not in the collection of Lubec Landmarks, for…"