Keywords: Ladies
Item 13886
Ladies Aid Picnic, Houlton, 1906
Contributed by: Aroostook County Historical and Art Museum Date: 1906-07-26 Location: Houlton Media: Photographic print
Item 12595
Greek Ladies Society Rules and Regulations, Portland, 1928
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1928 Location: Portland Media: Ink on paper
Item 88089
Owner in 1924: Long Island Ladies Improvement Association Use: Tea Room
Item 85941
Assessor's Record, 156-158 Woodford Street, Portland, 1924
Owner in 1924: Rocky Hill Lodge Corporation Use: Kitchen and Ladies room
Item 151579
Waterford Library, Waterford, 1937
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1930–1937 Location: Waterford Client: unknown Architect: John Calvin Stevens and John Howard Stevens Architects
Item 151465
Galen C. Moses house, Bath, 1901
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: circa 1901 Location: Bath Client: Galen C. Moses Architect: John Calvin Stevens
The mainspring of fashion is the process whereby members of one class imitate the styles of another, who in turn are driven to ever new expedients of fashionable change.
Field & Homefront: Bethel during the Civil War
Like many towns, Bethel responded to the Civil War by sending many soldiers and those at the homefront sent aid and supported families. The town grew during the war, but suffered after its end.
Site Page
Farmington: Franklin County's Shiretown - Ladies' Third Annual Banquet, Farmington, 1893
"The cover refers to "Gentlemen's Night"--the previous two annual events had been for ladies only. This was organized by an ad hoc group of women…"
Site Page
John Martin: Expert Observer - Ladies Blush apple, Bangor, 1889
"Ladies Blush apple, Bangor, 1889 Contributed by Maine Historical Society and Maine State Museum Description John Martin (1832-1904), an…"
How 20 years in the Navy turned me into an active volunteer
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My service didn't end when I retired from the Navy
Pandemic ruminations and the death of Rose Cleveland
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