Keywords: Maine's first governor
Item 27104
Governor Brann Ferry, Islesboro, ca. 1940
Contributed by: Islesboro Historical Society Date: circa 1940 Location: Islesboro Media: Postcard
Item 10526
Governor King monument, Bath, ca. 1903
Contributed by: Patten Free Library Date: circa 1903 Location: Bath Media: Photographic print
Item 151532
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1922 Location: Bath; Phippsburg Client: William D Sewall Architect: John Calvin Stevens and John Howard Stevens Architects
Item 151738
Home for aged women, Portland, 1900-1926
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1900–1926 Location: Portland Client: unknown Architect: John Calvin Stevens and John Howard Stevens Architects
John Hancock's Relation to Maine
The president of the Continental Congress and the Declaration's most notable signatory, John Hancock, has ties to Maine through politics, and commercial businesses, substantial property, vacations, and family.
These stories -- that stretch from 1999 back to 1759 -- take you from an amusement park to the halls of Congress. There are inventors, artists, showmen, a railway agent, a man whose civic endeavors helped shape Portland, a man devoted to the pursuit of peace and one known for his military exploits, Maine's first novelist, a woman who recorded everyday life in detail, and an Indian who survived a British attack.
Site Page
Maine's Road to Statehood - The Missouri Compromise: A Moral Dilemma
"Maine Historical Society The irony of this situation, however, had little impact on the closed-door politics in Washington in 1820."
Site Page
Maine's Road to Statehood - 1790s: A Growing Movement
"… the vote, which was approved by Massachusetts Governor Samuel Adams. The referendum read: "Shall application be made to the Legislature for their…"
A first encounter with Bath and its wonderful history
by John Decker
Visiting the Maine Maritime Museum as part of a conference
Lloyd LaFountain III family legacy and creating own path
by Biddeford Cultural & Heritage Center
Lloyd followed in his family’s footsteps of serving Biddeford and the State of Maine.