Keywords: Maine Line
Item 74444
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: circa 1910 Media: Photographic print
Item 111087
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: circa 1936 Location: Paris; Kennebunkport Media: Ink on paper with fabric
Item 89273
Casco Bay Lines property, Cleaves Landing, Long Island, Portland, 1924
Owner in 1924: Casco Bay Lines Use: Waiting Room
Item 85263
Casco Bay Lines property, Fessenden Avenue, Little Diamond Island, Portland, 1924
Owner in 1924: Casco Bay Lines Use: Wharf
Item 151831
Burden residence, Northeast Harbor, 1947-1998
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1947–1998 Location: Mount Desert Client: Jean Burden Architect: Patrick Chasse; Landscape Design Associates
Item 151472
Cape Cottage Park, Cape Elizabeth, ca. 1925
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1924–1926 Location: Cape Elizabeth Client: Cape Cottage Park Company Architect: John Calvin Stevens and John Howard Stevens Architects
Black soldiers served in Maine during World War II, assigned in small numbers throughout the state to guard Grand Trunk rail lines from a possible German attack. The soldiers, who lived in railroad cars near their posts often interacted with local residents.
These stories -- that stretch from 1999 back to 1759 -- take you from an amusement park to the halls of Congress. There are inventors, artists, showmen, a railway agent, a man whose civic endeavors helped shape Portland, a man devoted to the pursuit of peace and one known for his military exploits, Maine's first novelist, a woman who recorded everyday life in detail, and an Indian who survived a British attack.
Site Page
Early Maine Photography - Human Interest
"… Bradley Peters proudly wears her large fur lined winter coat, an elaborate piece of Victorian clothing that appears to be twice her size."
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Mantor Library, University of Maine Farmington
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Harold's Garage, Rome Hollow, Maine
by Mimi C
Story about Harold Hawes, owner of Harold's garage and self-styled auctioneer in Rome Hollow, Maine
A Note from a Maine-American
by William Dow Turner
With 7 generations before statehood, and 5 generations since, Maine DNA carries on.
Lesson Plan
Longfellow Studies: "Evangeline: A Tale of Acadie"--Selected Lines and Illustrations
Grade Level: 6-8, 9-12
Content Area: Social Studies, Visual & Performing Arts
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Maine's native son, is the epitome of Victorian Romanticism. Aroostook County is well acquainted with Longfellow's epic poem, Evangeline, because it is the story of the plight of the Acadians, who were deported from Acadie between 1755 and 1760. The descendants of these hard-working people inhabit much of Maine, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia.
The students enjoy hearing the story and seeing the ink drawings. The illustrations are my interpretations. The collection took approximately two months to complete. The illustrations are presented in a Victorian-style folio, reminiscent of the family gathered in the parlor for a Sunday afternoon reading of Evangeline, which was published in 1847.
Preparation Required/Preliminary Discussion:
Have students read "Evangeline A Tale of Acadie". Give a background of the Acadia Diaspora.
Suggested Follow-up Activities:
Students could illustrate their own poems, as well as other Longfellow poems, such as: "Paul Revere's Ride," "The Village Blacksmith," or "The Children's Hour."
"Tales of the Wayside Inn" is a colonial Canterbury Tales. The guest of the inn each tell stories. Student could write or illustrate their own characters or stories.
Appropriate calligraphy assignments could include short poems and captions for their illustrations. Inks, pastels, watercolors, and colored pencils would be other appropriate illustrative media that could be applicable to other illustrated poems and stories. Each illustration in this exhibit was made in India ink on file folder paper. The dimensions, including the burgundy-colors mat, are 9" x 12". A friend made the calligraphy.
Lesson Plan
Portland History: Lemuel Moody and the Portland Observatory
Grade Level: 3-5
Content Area: Social Studies
Lemuel Moody and the Portland Observatory Included are interesting facts to share with your students and for students, an interactive slide show available on-line at Maine Memory Network. The "Images" slide show allows students to place historical images of the Observatory in a timeline. Utilizing their observation skills students will place these images in chronological order by looking for changes within the built environment for clues. Also available is the "Maps" slide show, a series of maps from key eras in Portland's history. Students will answer the questions in the slide show to better understand the topography of Portland, the need for an Observatory and the changes in the landscape and the population centers.