Keywords: March 2, 1896
Item 22760
Great Freshet, Brunswick, 1896
Contributed by: Pejepscot History Center Date: 1896-03-02 Location: Brunswick Media: Photographic print
Item 22762
Great Freshet, after March 2, 1896, Brunswick
Contributed by: Pejepscot History Center Date: 1896 Location: Brunswick; Topsham Media: Photographic print
Melting snow, ice, warmer temperatures, and rain sometimes bring floods to Maine's many rivers and streams. Floods are most frequent in the spring, but can occur at any season.
Student Exhibit: Somerset Railroad
The Somerset Railroad was completed in 1872. It started out as a dream to link the Maine Coast with Canadian businesses to the north. It ran from the North Woods around Moosehead Lake down to Southern Maine and back again for 56 years.
Site Page
Skowhegan Community History - Kennebec River Log Drive
"… in history was on the Kennebec in early March, 1896, when there was a huge flood. You can see that log driving had its dangers but was enjoyable…"
Site Page
Historic Hallowell - Hallowell Floods
"The flood concluded on March 9, 1896. Written by William Lewis In 1936, a major flood came upon the Kennebec River."