Keywords: Monetary Donations
Item 72082
Thank you note for Shepley donation, New Orleans, 1862
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1862 Location: New Orleans Media: Ink on paper
Item 77456
Letter of thanks for donation for orphans, Bath, 1868
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1868 Location: Portland; Bath Media: Ink on paper
George F. Shepley: Lawyer, Soldier, Administrator
George F. Shepley of Portland had achieved renown as a lawyer and as U.S. Attorney for Maine when, at age 42 he formed the 12th Maine Infantry and went off to war. Shepley became military governor of Louisiana early in 1862 and remained in the military for the duration of the war.
This Rebellion: Maine and the Civil War
For Mainers like many other people in both the North and the South, the Civil War, which lasted from 1861-1865, had a profound effect on their lives. Letters, artifacts, relics, and other items saved by participants at home and on the battlefield help illuminate the nature of the Civil War experience for Mainers.
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Strong, a Mussul Unsquit village - Village Schools
"Those who could not make monetary donations could make fudge, cream puffs, a pie, or a batch of doughnuts."