Keywords: Old woman
Item 119
Biplane, Old Orchard Beach, ca. 1920
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society/MaineToday Media Date: 1920 Location: Old Orchard Beach Media: Glass Negative
Item 12152
Hotel Alberta, Old Orchard Beach, 1903
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1903 Location: Old Orchard Beach Media: Glass Negative
Women at the turn of the 20th century were increasingly involved in paid work outside the home. For wage-earning women in the Old Port section of Portland, the jobs ranged from canning fish and vegetables to setting type. A study done in 1907 found many women did not earn living wages.
While numerous Mainers worked for and against woman suffrage in the state in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, some also worked on the national level, seeking a federal amendment to allow women the right to vote
Site Page
Surry by the Bay - Phebe Fowler: A Woman of Property
"She had become a woman of property in an era when it was unusual for a married woman to own land in her own name. Olin died in 1922."
Site Page
Mount Desert Island: Shaped by Nature - The Old House (circa 1820-2013)
"His wife, Mabelle Strout Savage, is the left-most woman standing on the porch with her right arm leaning on the porch post."
In an Old, Abandoned Island House, I Found my Mentor and my Muse
by Robin Clifford Wood
An aspiring writer finds inspiration and a mentor from the past in an old island home.
Portland in the 1940s
by Carol Norton Hall
As a young woman in Portland during WWII, the presence of servicemen was life changing.