Keywords: Penobscot Log Boom
Item 33560
Log Jam at the Penobscot Boom, Bangor, ca. 1885
Contributed by: Bangor Public Library Date: circa 1885 Location: Bangor Media: Stereograph
Item 99444
Lumber boom on the Penobscot River at Bangor, ca. 1905
Contributed by: Bangor Public Library Date: circa 1905 Location: Bangor Media: Postcard
After the canoe, steamboats became the favored method of transportation on Moosehead Lake. They revolutionized movement of logs and helped promote tourism in the region.
Holding up the Sky: Wabanaki people, culture, history, and art
Learn about Native diplomacy and obligation by exploring 13,000 years of Wabanaki residence in Maine through 17th century treaties, historic items, and contemporary artworks—from ash baskets to high fashion. Wabanaki voices contextualize present-day relevance and repercussions of 400 years of shared histories between Wabanakis and settlers to their region.
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Life on a Tidal River - Bangor: Lumber Capital of the World
"Finally, the lumberman sawed the logs into lumber for shipment. Companies from around the world came to Bangor for the huge amount of revenue waiting…"