Keywords: Pumping Plant
Item 28769
Water Pumping Plant, Lubec, ca. 1910, ca. 1912
Contributed by: Lubec Historical Society Date: circa 1912 Location: Lubec Media: Locally printed photographic postcard
Item 28770
Water Pumping Plant, Lubec, ca. 1940, ca. 1940
Contributed by: Lubec Historical Society Date: circa 1940 Location: Lubec Media: Postcard
The Establishment of the Troy Town Forest
Seavey Piper, a selectman, farmer, landowner, and leader of the Town of Troy in the 1920s through the early 1950s helped establish a town forest on abandoned farm land in Troy. The exhibit details his work over ten years.
Early Fish Canneries in Brooklin
By the 1900s, numerous fish canneries began operating in Center Harbor, located within the Brooklin community. For over thirty years, these plants were an important factor in the community.
Site Page
Presque Isle: The Star City - King Farm, Presque Isle, ca. 1920
"… is hauled by two horses, which means that the pump was probably powered by the sprayer wheels.The potato plants appear to be in blossom, so the…"