Keywords: Radio
Item 29242
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1953 Media: Photographic print
Item 112069
WMPG 90.9 and 104.1 t-shirt, Portland, ca. 2004
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
Date: circa 2004
Location: Portland
Media: Cotton, ink
This record contains 4 images.
Item 35210
569-575 Brighton Avenue, Portland, 1924
Owner in 1924: Eoline M Wilson Use: Filling Station & Store
Music in Maine - Radio Cowboys and Country Music
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Through a chance meeting, Harry Lyon of Paris Hill became the navigator on the 1928 flight of the Southern Cross, the first trans-Pacific flight. His skill as a navigator, despite his lack of experience, was a key factor on the flight's success.
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Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - The McCormick house
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by Biddeford Cultural & Heritage Center
A spunky 99-year-old shares her crystal-clear recollections of all the changes in her lifetime
Lionel "Toots" Bouthot: A life filled with music
by Biddeford Cultural & Heritage Center
From the age of 5, a lifetime of contributing to the musical fabric of Biddeford.