Keywords: Rufus Porter
Item 102141
Rufus King on a Biddeford farm for sale, Newburyport, 1782
Contributed by: McArthur Public Library Date: 1782-10-23 Location: Biddeford; Newburyport; Dunstable; Boston Media: Ink on paper
Item 80814
67 Main Street, Bridgton, ca. 1938
Contributed by: Bridgton Historical Society Date: circa 1938 Location: Bridgton Media: Ink on paper, photograph
Mural mystery in Westport Island's Cornelius Tarbox, Jr. House
The Cornelius Tarbox, Jr. House, a well-preserved Greek Revival house on Westport Island, has a mystery contained within--a panoramic narrative mural. The floor-to-ceiling mural contains eight painted panels that create a colorful coastal seascape which extends through the front hallway and up the stairwell. The name of the itinerant painter has been lost over time, can you help us solve the mystery of who he or she was?
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Strong, a Mussul Unsquit village - Porter Lake
"Visiting the island in Porter Lake is also fun. There is rope swing there. Porter Lake is one of the most popular public places in Strong."
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Strong, a Mussul Unsquit village - The Porter Family
"Lt. James Porter X Jeremy and Rachel Hunter Porter's son, James Ezekiel, was born in 1846. He went to Strong schools and to Bates College (called…"