Keywords: Schoolboys
Item 103771
Alan Olds and Lloyd Coulthard, boating mishap, South Portland, 1936
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society/MaineToday Media Date: 1936-09-28 Location: South Portland Media: Glass Negative
Item 103614
Boy with drawing of officer, ca. 1935
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society/MaineToday Media Date: circa 1935 Location: Portland Media: Glass Negative
Longfellow: The Man Who Invented America
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was a man and a poet of New England conscience. He was influenced by his ancestry and his Portland boyhood home and experience.
2009 marked the bicentennials of the births of Abraham Lincoln and his first vice president, Hannibal Hamlin of Maine. To observe the anniversary, Paris Hill, where Hamlin was born and raised, honored the native statesman and recalled both his early life in the community and the mark he made on Maine and the nation.
Site Page
John Martin: Expert Observer - Boy at Bangor post Civil War parade, 1865
"… of his description he drew illustrations of two schoolboys to show the outfits they wore in the parade."
Site Page
Mount Desert Island: Shaped by Nature - Basketball: From Rivals to Teammates
"… after that fire “Sports died in [the] town on the schoolboy level for close to five years. The 1927 yearbook had a drawing of the death of…"