Keywords: Seneca Tribe
Item 8955
Copy of a Seneca Indian treaty with the British, 1764
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
Date: 1764
Media: Ink on paper
This record contains 4 images.
Item 8895
Chennusio Indian treaty with the British, 1764
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
Date: 1764
Media: Ink on paper
This record contains 4 images.
Begin Again: reckoning with intolerance in Maine
BEGIN AGAIN explores Maine's historic role, going back 528 years, in crisis that brought about the pandemic, social and economic inequities, and the Black Lives Matter movement in 2020.
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"… and in the west (treaties with the Chenussio and Seneca, both Haudenosaunee, or Iroquois, tribes) negotiated with Indian Superintendent William…"