Keywords: Sheepscot
Item 28973
Garrison Hill Grange 497, Sheepscot Village, ca. 1920
Contributed by: Maine State Museum Date: circa 1920 Location: Sheepscot Media: Glass Negative
Item 6297
Getting seaweed, Sheepscot Bay, ca. 1890
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: circa 1890 Media: Etching
Colonial Cartography: The Plymouth Company Maps
The Plymouth Company (1749-1816) managed one of the very early land grants in Maine along the Kennebec River. The maps from the Plymouth Company's collection of records constitute some of the earliest cartographic works of colonial America.
Scientist, author and explorer Donald B. MacMillan established Wiscasset as his homeport for many of the voyages he made to the Arctic region starting in the early 1920s.
Site Page
Portland Press Herald Glass Negative Collection - Wiscasset's Arctic Connection
"… Wiscasset, a community of about 1,200 on the Sheepscot River, because it was away "from the hubbub of the city" and ships could easily be loaded…"
Site Page
"… Agumagus” or Moxus, a Kennebec River leader, and Sheepscot John, a Wabanaki leader on the coast. Places like Small Point, and the councils that…"
An enjoyable conference, Portland 2021
by John C. Decker, Danville, Pennsylvania
Some snippets from a 4-day conference by transportation historians in Portland, September 7-11, 2021
A first encounter with Bath and its wonderful history
by John Decker
Visiting the Maine Maritime Museum as part of a conference