Keywords: Ship Model
Item 1378
Ship model, Kennebunkport, 1938
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1938-07-27 Location: Kennebunkport Media: Photographic print
Item 17576
Quarter-scale model canoe, ca. 1997
Contributed by: An individual through Maine Historical Society Date: circa 1906 Location: Atkinson Media: Wood
Item 151459
Arthur S. Bosworth cottage, Cape Elizabeth, 1928
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1911–1951 Location: Cape Elizabeth Client: Arthur Sewall Bosworth Architect: John Calvin Stevens and John Howard Stevens Architects
Port of Portland's Custom House and Collectors of Customs
The collector of Portland was the key to federal patronage in Maine, though other ports and towns had collectors. Through the 19th century, the revenue was the major source of Federal Government income. As in Colonial times, the person appointed to head the custom House in Casco Bay was almost always a leading community figure, or a well-connected political personage.
Begin Again: reckoning with intolerance in Maine
BEGIN AGAIN explores Maine's historic role, going back 528 years, in crisis that brought about the pandemic, social and economic inequities, and the Black Lives Matter movement in 2020.
Site Page
Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - III. Boom, bustle, bust: The Steamboat Years to WWII
"Model T. Ford by E.R. Spurling's Store, Swan's Island, ca. 1925Swan's Island Historical Society Island stores received regular supplies from the…"
Site Page
"… General Henry Knox used this structure as a model for the Knox Mansion in Thomaston. Swan sought out laborers (preferably Protestant families) to…"
Florence Ahlquist Link's WWII service in the WAVES
by Earlene Ahlquist Chadbourne
Florence Ahlquist, age 20, was trained to repair the new aeronautical cameras by the US Navy in WWII
Seawolf Outhouse Robbery
by Roger Ek, Seawolf 25
How necessity creates invention, and the moving of an outhouse in Vietnam.