Search Results

Keywords: Speaking Trumpet

Historical Items

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Item 14268

Speaking Trumpet, 1880

Contributed by: Hose 5 Fire Museum Date: 1880 Location: Bangor Media: Brass

Item 100146

Speaking trumpet, Portland, 1849

Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1849 Location: Portland Media: Silver

Item 79513

1st Place Trophy for Androscoggin No. 2, 1875

Contributed by: Town of Topsham Date: 1875-07-05 Location: Bath; Topsham Media: Silver

Online Exhibits

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Northern Threads: Silhouettes in Sequence, ca. 1780-1889

A themed exhibit vignette within "Northern Threads Part I," featuring a timeline of silhouettes from about 1775 through 1889.


A Day for Remembering

Most societies have had rituals or times set aside to honor ancestors, those who have died and have paved the way for the living. Memorial Day, the last Monday in May, is the day Americans have set aside for such remembrances.


Home: The Longfellow House & the Emergence of Portland

The Wadsworth-Longfellow house is the oldest building on the Portland peninsula, the first historic site in Maine, a National Historic Landmark, home to three generations of Wadsworth and Longfellow family members -- including the boyhood home of the poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. The history of the house and its inhabitants provide a unique view of the growth and changes of Portland -- as well as of the immediate surroundings of the home.