Keywords: State Championship
Item 20660
Baseball Championship, Brunswick, 1894
Contributed by: Pejepscot History Center Date: 1894 Location: Brunswick Media: Photographic print
Item 81197
State Championship Team, Monson, 1909
Contributed by: Monson Historical Society Date: 1909 Location: Monson Media: Photographic print
World Alpine Ski Racing in Maine
Sugarloaf -- a small ski area by European standards -- entered ski racing history in 1971 by hosting an event that was part of the World Cup Alpine Ski Championships. The "Tall Timber Classic," as the event was known, had a decidedly Maine flavor.
John Bapst High School was dedicated in September 1928 to meet the expanding needs of Roman Catholic education in the Bangor area. The co-educational school operated until 1980, when the diocese closed it due to decreasing enrollment. Since then, it has been a private school known as John Bapst Memorial High School.
Site Page
Highlighting Historical Hampden - Elusive Championship
"The state championship was moved to the Augusta Civic Center after 2005. So a “congratulations” goes out to the boys and girls basketball teams at…"
Site Page
Western Maine Foothills Region - Rumford High School Basketball - 1970s - Page 2 of 2
"The New England Championship tournament was held in Durham, NH at the University of New Hampshire. There the Panthers would go on to beat a strong…"
Mark Plummer, golfer from Maine
by Mark Plummer
Amateur golfer from Maine, Mark Plummer discussed his golf career and life lessons
My Years of Coaching and Lessons Learned
by Bob Brown
How growing up and coaching in Maine, and around the world, made me who I am today.