Keywords: Stearnes Building
Item 31288
State Street ruins, Bangor, 1911
Contributed by: Bangor Public Library Date: 1911 Location: Bangor Media: Lantern slide
Item 72565
Stearns Hotel building, Lubec, 1975, 1975
Contributed by: Lubec Historical Society Date: 1975 Location: Lubec Media: Kodachrome slide
Item 61952
50 Mackworth Street, Portland, 1924
Owner in 1924: Levi W. Stearns Use: Dwelling - Single family
For one hundred years, Acadia National Park has captured the American imagination and stood as the most recognizable symbol of Maine’s important natural history and identity. This exhibit highlights Maine Memory content relating to Acadia and Mount Desert Island.
Paper has shaped Maine's economy, molded individual and community identities, and impacted the environment throughout Maine. When Hugh Chisholm opened the Otis Falls Pulp Company in Jay in 1888, the mill was one of the most modern paper-making facilities in the country, and was connected to national and global markets. For the next century, Maine was an international leader in the manufacture of pulp and paper.
Site Page
Guilford, Maine - SPORTS - Page 3 of 3
"Sweeney, and he was the only coach! Then Mr. Paul Stearns took over, and he coached for the next 18 years."
Site Page
Historic Hallowell - Timeline of Cyclone
"The stable that was occupied by Simmons! The Stearns had gotten crushed like an eggshell. A horse had gotten trapped inside a compartment made by…"