Keywords: Stone Cutting
Item 29200
Hallowell Granite Works stone yard, Hallowell, ca. 1895
Contributed by: Hubbard Free Library Date: circa 1895 Location: Hallowell Media: Photographic print
Item 25986
Quarry Workers At Mount Waldo, ca. 1860
Contributed by: Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands Date: circa 1860 Location: Frankfort Media: Photographic print
Maine's natural resources -- granite, limestone and slate in particular -- along with its excellent ports made it a leader in mining and production of the valuable building materials. Stone work also attracted numerous skilled immigrants.
We Used to be "Normal": A History of F.S.N.S.
Farmington's Normal School -- a teacher-training facility -- opened in 1863 and, over the decades, offered academic programs that included such unique features as domestic and child-care training, and extra-curricular activities from athletics to music and theater.
Site Page
Historic Hallowell - Ice Cutting
"Ice cutting industries, specifically Gardiner ice cutting industry cut ice off of the Kennebec River, during the cold winter seasons when the ice was…"
Site Page
Historic Hallowell - Ice Cutting and Ice Houses on the Bombahook
"Occasionally, brick or stone-walled ice houses were built into a bank of earth with an entrance facing the north."
Cleaning Fish or How Grandfather and Grandmother got by
by Randy Randall
Grandfather and Grandmother subsisted on the fish Grandfather caught, not always legally.
In an Old, Abandoned Island House, I Found my Mentor and my Muse
by Robin Clifford Wood
An aspiring writer finds inspiration and a mentor from the past in an old island home.