Keywords: Unions
Item 101567
Union candlepin bowling men's league, Biddeford, ca. 1955
Contributed by: Biddeford Mills Museum Date: circa 1955 Location: Biddeford Media: Photographic print
Item 75276
The benefits of a union at Eastern Fine Paper, Brewer, 2006
Contributed by: Maine Folklife Center, Univ. of Maine Date: 1968–2004 Location: Brewer Media: Compact disc
Item 86731
Storage, Union Wharf, Portland, 1924
Owner in 1924: Union Wharf Proprietors Use: Storage
Item 93800
Storage, Union Wharf, Portland, 1924
Owner in 1924: Proprietors Union Wharf Use: Storage
Item 151067
Union Station Spa for the Portland Water District, Portland, 1932
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1932 Location: Portland Client: Portland Water Distict Architect: John P. Thomas
Item 151591
New Union Church, Vinalhaven, 1899
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1899 Location: Vinalhaven Client: unknown Architect: John Calvin Stevens
For the Union: Civil War Deaths
More than 9,000 Maine soldiers and sailors died during the Civil War while serving with Union forces. This exhibit tells the stories of a few of those men.
Paper has shaped Maine's economy, molded individual and community identities, and impacted the environment throughout Maine. When Hugh Chisholm opened the Otis Falls Pulp Company in Jay in 1888, the mill was one of the most modern paper-making facilities in the country, and was connected to national and global markets. For the next century, Maine was an international leader in the manufacture of pulp and paper.
Site Page
Historic Hallowell - The Hallowell Union Fire Club
"The Hallowell Union Fire Club Union Fire Club, Fire Bucket, Hallowell, 1805Hubbard Free Library The Union Fire Club of Hallowell, Maine…"
Site Page
Historic Hallowell - The Union Fire Club of Hallowell, Musters, & Carnivals
"… The Union Fire Club of Hallowell, Musters, & Carnivals Nicole Bodge, Josh Cowing, Haley Houdlette, Signe Lynch, Quinton Stebbins Masquerade…"
Being a woman Union member was a challenge in the paper mill
by Cindy Bennett
I worked in the paper mills and for the Union during the 1987 strike.
I work as a Journeyman Mechanic, or Millwright at Catalyst
by Linda Deane
Working on a paper machine and as a Millwright can be challenging as a woman and a Union Rep.
Lesson Plan
Longfellow Studies: Longfellow Amongst His Contemporaries - The Ship of State DBQ
Grade Level: 9-12
Content Area: English Language Arts, Social Studies
Preparation Required/Preliminary Discussion:
Lesson plans should be done in the context of a course of study on American literature and/or history from the Revolution to the Civil War.
The ship of state is an ancient metaphor in the western world, especially among seafaring people, but this figure of speech assumed a more widespread and literal significance in the English colonies of the New World. From the middle of the 17th century, after all, until revolution broke out in 1775, the dominant system of governance in the colonies was the Navigation Acts. The primary responsibility of colonial governors, according to both Parliament and the Crown, was the enforcement of the laws of trade, and the governors themselves appointed naval officers to ensure that the various provisions and regulations of the Navigation Acts were executed. England, in other words, governed her American colonies as if they were merchant ships.
This metaphorical conception of the colonies as a naval enterprise not only survived the Revolution but also took on a deeper relevance following the construction of the Union. The United States of America had now become the ship of state, launched on July 4th 1776 and dedicated to the radical proposition that all men are created equal and endowed with certain unalienable rights. This proposition is examined and tested in any number of ways during the decades between the Revolution and the Civil War. Novelists and poets, as well as politicians and statesmen, questioned its viability: Whither goes the ship of state? Is there a safe harbor somewhere up ahead or is the vessel doomed to ruin and wreckage? Is she well built and sturdy or is there some essential flaw in her structural frame?
Lesson Plan
Primary Sources: The Maine Shipyard
Grade Level: 9-12
Content Area: Social Studies
This lesson plan will give students a close-up look at historical operations behind Maine's famed shipbuilding and shipping industries. Students will examine primary sources including letters, bills of lading, images, and objects, and draw informed hypotheses about the evolution of the seafaring industry and its impact on Maine’s communities over time.