Keywords: Woolen Mills
Item 70078
The dam and Woolen Mills, Old Town, ca. 1938
Contributed by: Boston Public Library Date: circa 1938 Location: Old Town Media: Linen texture postcard
Item 71600
Sebasticook Woolen Mill, Pittsfield, ca. 1938
Contributed by: Boston Public Library Date: circa 1938 Location: Pittsfield Media: Linen texture postcard
Item 150467
Madison Woolen Mill Co. buildings, Madison, 1885
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1885 Location: Madison Client: Madison Woolen Co. Architect: George M. Coombs
Item 151465
Galen C. Moses house, Bath, 1901
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: circa 1901 Location: Bath Client: Galen C. Moses Architect: John Calvin Stevens
Paper has shaped Maine's economy, molded individual and community identities, and impacted the environment throughout Maine. When Hugh Chisholm opened the Otis Falls Pulp Company in Jay in 1888, the mill was one of the most modern paper-making facilities in the country, and was connected to national and global markets. For the next century, Maine was an international leader in the manufacture of pulp and paper.
Princeton: Woods and Water Built This Town
Princeton benefited from its location on a river -- the St. Croix -- that was useful for transportation of people and lumber and for powering mills as well as on its proximity to forests.
Site Page
Western Maine Foothills Region - Hugh J. Chisholm, Sr. - Page 1 of 2
"… Falls Light and Water Company, Rumford Falls Woolen Company, Rumford Falls Realty Company, and, finally, Oxford Paper Company (which was to become…"
Site Page
Guilford, Maine - MANUFACTURING - Page 2 of 2
"New Addition to Guilford Woolen Mill, ca. 1930Guilford Historical Society Interface Fabrics is the biggest mill in Guilford."