Search Results

Keywords: abandoned town

Historical Items

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Item 78910

Abandoned Quarry, Monson, ca. 1900

Contributed by: Monson Historical Society Date: circa 1900 Location: Monson Media: Postcard

Item 104422

Trees planted on abandoned farm, Troy, ca. 1942

Courtesy of Neil Piper, an individual partner Date: circa 1940 Location: Troy Media: Photographic print

Item 104411

Abandoned Farm in Troy, ca. 1939

Courtesy of Neil Piper, an individual partner Date: circa 1939 Location: Troy Media: Photographic print

Online Exhibits

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The Establishment of the Troy Town Forest

Seavey Piper, a selectman, farmer, landowner, and leader of the Town of Troy in the 1920s through the early 1950s helped establish a town forest on abandoned farm land in Troy. The exhibit details his work over ten years.


George W. Hinckley and Needy Boys and Girls

George W. Hinckley wanted to help needy boys. The farm, school and home he ran for nearly sixty nears near Fairfield stressed home, religion, education, discipline, industry, and recreation.


Sagadahoc County through the Eastern Eye

The Eastern Illustrating and Publishing Company of Belfast, Maine. employed photographers who traveled by company vehicle through New England each summer, taking pictures of towns and cities, vacation spots and tourist attractions, working waterfronts and local industries, and other subjects postcard recipients might enjoy. The cards were printed by the millions in Belfast into the 1940s.

Site Pages

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Site Page

Western Maine Foothills Region - Regional and Town History

"… have much in common besides orphaned stone walls, abandoned cellar holes, and discontinued roads. Our partners hope that our exploration of…"

Site Page

Strong, a Mussul Unsquit village - Student Research

"Additionally, many local farms were abandoned by the end of the War, by farmers, who chose to never return to Maine."

Site Page

Thomaston: The Town that Went to Sea - Henry Knox: Land Dealings

"… the American Revolution broke out, the Fluckers abandoned their holdings in the American colonies and eventually returned to England, leaving Lucy…"

My Maine Stories

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Redlining and the Jewish Communities in Maine
by David Freidenreich

Federal and state policies created unfair housing practices against immigrants, like redlining.


My father's world - the old farm in Richmond, Maine
by Donald C. Cunningham

A story about my father and our family.


My father, Earle Ahlquist, served during World War II
by Earlene Chadbourne

Earle Ahlquist used his Maine common sense during his Marine service and to survive Iwo Jima