Keywords: aftermath of flood
Item 79393
Flood on Main Street, Ridlonville, 1936
Contributed by: Mexico Historical Society Date: 1936 Location: Mexico Media: Photographic print
Item 34023
Flooding of the Royal River after Hurricane Edna, 1954
Contributed by: North Yarmouth Historical Society Date: 1954 Location: North Yarmouth Media: Photographic print
Paper has shaped Maine's economy, molded individual and community identities, and impacted the environment throughout Maine. When Hugh Chisholm opened the Otis Falls Pulp Company in Jay in 1888, the mill was one of the most modern paper-making facilities in the country, and was connected to national and global markets. For the next century, Maine was an international leader in the manufacture of pulp and paper.
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Surry by the Bay - Surry Opera Company
"… son of Russian immigrants, witness to the aftermath of the bombing of Hiroshima, and Nagasaki, and Surry resident--wanted to do his part to promote…"
Site Page
Historic Hallowell - Post Office and Fire Station
"during the aftermath of the ice storm. The pictures to the left were used during the fire chief interview."