Keywords: anti-Semitism
Item 102731
Camp Lown campers and staff, Oakland, 1947
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1947 Location: Oakland Media: Photographic print
Item 102680
Lana Shkolnik and Galina Antonovskiy, Portland, 2009
Courtesy of Jan Pieter Van Voorst Van Beest, an individual partner Date: circa 2017 Location: Portland Media: Digital photograph
Like other immigrant groups, Jews came to Maine to make a living and enjoy the natural and cultural environment. Their experiences have been shaped by their occupational choices, Jewish values and, until recently, experiences of anti-Semitism.
Fallen Heroes: Maine's Jewish Sailors and Soldiers
Thirty-four young Jewish men from Maine died in the service of their country in the two World Wars. This project, including a Maine Memory Network exhibit, is meant to say a little something about some of them. More than just names on a public memorial marker or grave stone, these men were getting started in adult life. They had newly acquired high school and college diplomas, they had friends, families and communities who loved and valued them, and felt the losses of their deaths.
Lesson Plan
Grade Level: 6-8, 9-12, Postsecondary
Content Area: Social Studies
This lesson presents an overview of the history of Jews in Maine and the U.S., including some of the factors that led to Jewish immigration to the U.S., examination of the prejudice, discrimination and anti-Semitism many Jews have experienced, and the contributions of Jews to community life and culture in Maine.