Keywords: bear
Item 23959
Bear Island Light, Northeast Harbor, ca. 1930
Contributed by: Jesup Memorial Library Date: circa 1930 Location: Northeast Harbor Media: Postcard
Item 13579
Contributed by: Aroostook County Historical and Art Museum Date: circa 1895 Location: Houlton Media: Photographic print
Item 151579
Waterford Library, Waterford, 1937
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1930–1937 Location: Waterford Client: unknown Architect: John Calvin Stevens and John Howard Stevens Architects
Maine's ample woods historically provided numerous game animals and birds for hunters seeking food, fur, or hides. The promotion of hunting as tourism and concerns about conservation toward the end of the nineteenth century changed the nature of hunting in Maine.
Redact: Obscuring the Maine Constitution
In 2015, Maliseet Representative Henry Bear drew the Maine legislature’s attention to a historic redaction of the Maine Constitution. Through legislation drafted in February 1875, approved by voters in September 1875, and enacted on January 1, 1876, the Sections 1, 2, and 5 of Article X (ten) of the Maine Constitution ceased to be printed. Since 1876, these sections are redacted from the document. Although they are obscured, they retain their validity.
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Highlighting Historical Hampden - Bob's Bears
"Bob's Bears X The Day the Bears Bathed in Hampden by Bob Hawes Listen to Bob Hawes read the story..."
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John Martin: Expert Observer - Capt. L. J. Morse, Co. A, Maine State Guard, Bangor, 1864
"… Sketch Book." He wrote, "The state guards wore a bear skin cap as represented. their coats most wholly red." View additional information about…"
My career as a wildlife biologist
by Ron Joseph
Rural Maine provided the foundation of a rewarding career as a wildlife biologist.
A case of mistaken animal identity
by Judy Loeven
The time my neighbor's dog Tyson got away, or so I thought.