Keywords: bounty money
Item 11312
Notice about bounty money, Mar. 28, 1864
Contributed by: Cary Library Date: 1864-03-28 Location: Houlton Media: Ink on paper
Item 70441
List of Veterans who were paid a bounty by the town of Sebago, 1868
Contributed by: Sebago Historical Society Date: 1868-08-25 Location: Sebago Media: Ink on paper
Home Ties: Sebago During the Civil War
Letters to and from Sebago soldiers who served in the Civil War show concern on both sides about farms and other issues at home as well as concern from the home front about soldiers' well-being.
The Sanitary Commission: Meeting Needs of Soldiers, Families
The Sanitary Commission, formed soon after the Civil War began in the spring of 1861, dealt with the health, relief needs, and morale of soldiers and their families. The Maine Agency helped families and soldiers with everything from furloughs to getting new socks.
Site Page
Surry by the Bay - Early Twentieth Century
"… war as early as 1940, as local citizens raised money with dinners at the Grange Hall to assist Finland in their fight against Russia's invasion."
Reverend Thomas Smith of First Parish Portland
by Kristina Minister, Ph.D.
Pastor, Physician, Real Estate Speculator, and Agent for Wabanaki Genocide