Keywords: digger
Item 22403
Hoover Paddle Digger, Island Falls, ca. 1925
Contributed by: Island Falls Historical Society Date: circa 1925 Location: Island Falls Media: Postcard
Item 13196
Horse drawn potato digger, ca. 1940
Contributed by: Caribou Public Library Date: circa 1940 Location: Caribou Media: Photographic print
Item 86126
358 B and M Wharf, Portland, 1924
Owner in 1924: A R Wright Company Use: Coal Diggers and Trestle
Item 86901
68-84 Commercial Street (rear), Portland, 1924
Owner in 1924: Randall and McAllister Use: Diggers-Boiler House
A Snapshot of Portland, 1924: The Taxman Cometh
In 1924, with Portland was on the verge of profound changes, the Tax Assessors Office undertook a project to document every building in the city -- with photographs and detailed information that provide a unique view into Portland's architecture, neighborhoods, industries, and businesses.
Workers in Maine have labored in factories, on farms, in the woods, on the water, among other locales. Many of Maine's occupations have been determined by the state's climate and geographical features.
Site Page
Presque Isle: The Star City - Harvesting Potatoes - Page 4 of 13
"The digger shown here required a person to ride on the digger to adjust the front of the digger so that it will cut into the row at the right height."
Site Page
Presque Isle: The Star City - Harvesting Potatoes - Page 3 of 13
"THE DIGGER EVOLVES Digger with Motor This one-row digger was entered in the Mapleton Days parade in June, 2009 X In the 1930s some diggers had a…"
Growing up on a potato and dairy farm
by Paula Woodworth
Life growing up and working on a potato and dairy farm was hard work but fun in Aroostook County.
Aroostook Potato Harvest: Perspective of a Six Year Old
by Phyllis A. Blackstone
A child's memory of potato harvest in the 1950s