Keywords: engine 42
Item 14474
Clyde Boutilier, Millinocket, 1985
Contributed by: Oakfield Historical Society Date: 1985 Location: Millinocket Media: Photographic print
Item 13277
Portland No. 2, Portland Company, ca. 1864
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: circa 1864 Location: Portland Media: Photographic print
Waldoboro Fire Department's 175 Years
While the town of Waldoboro was chartered in 1773, it began organized fire protection in 1838 with a volunteer fire department and a hand pump fire engine, the Water Witch.
George F. Shepley: Lawyer, Soldier, Administrator
George F. Shepley of Portland had achieved renown as a lawyer and as U.S. Attorney for Maine when, at age 42 he formed the 12th Maine Infantry and went off to war. Shepley became military governor of Louisiana early in 1862 and remained in the military for the duration of the war.
Site Page
Islesboro--An Island in Penobscot Bay - Water Transportation
"… feet, and was powered by a 160 horsepower diesel engine. The ferry was built and maintained with town funding in the form of four bonds “not to…"
Site Page
Strong, a Mussul Unsquit village - About Us - Page 1 of 3
"… but has raised her family in Strong for the past 42 years. She and her husband Roger are history buffs and were among the founders of the Strong…"