Keywords: factory machines
Item 29105
Carding machines at Pepperell Mills, Biddeford, ca. 1925
Contributed by: McArthur Public Library Date: circa 1925 Location: Biddeford Media: Photographic print
Item 33287
Shaw & Clark Sewing Machine, Biddeford, ca. 1865
Contributed by: McArthur Public Library Date: circa 1865 Location: Biddeford Media: Metal and paint
Item 86042
28-86 Warren Avenue, Portland, 1924
Owner in 1924: Southworth Machine Company Use: Factory
Item 86049
Assessor's Record, 28-86 Warren Avenue, Portland, 1924
Owner in 1924: Southworth Machine Company Use: Factory
Silk Manufacturing in Westbrook
Cultivation of silkworms and manufacture of silk thread was touted as a new agricultural boon for Maine in the early 19th century. However, only small-scale silk production followed. In 1874, the Haskell Silk Co. of Westbrook changed that, importing raw silk, and producing silk machine twist threat, then fabrics, until its demise in 1930.
Biddeford, Saco and the Textile Industry
The largest textile factory in the country reached seven stories up on the banks of the Saco River in 1825, ushering in more than a century of making cloth in Biddeford and Saco. Along with the industry came larger populations and commercial, retail, social, and cultural growth.
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Historic Hallowell - Kennebec Wire Company
"They then put the huge coils through a machine that reduced them into suitable sizes. This factory continued working for about ten years and then was…"
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"The machines in factories affected people a lot. Machines were replacing jobs that people had. So basically, the jobs were going away because the…"
A Maine Family's story of being Prisoners of War in Manila
by Nicki Griffin
As a child, born after the war, I would hear these stories - glad they were finally written down