Keywords: family practices
Item 16284
John D. Long and Family, Buckfield, 1899
Contributed by: Stanley Museum Date: 1899 Location: Buckfield Media: Photographic print
Item 99388
Lucretia Sewall to brother on end of war, Mobile, 1865
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1865 Location: Mobile Media: Ink on paper
Elise Fellows White: Music, Writing, and Family
From a violin prodigy in her early years to an older woman -- mother of two -- struggling financially, Skowhegan native Mary Elise Fellows White remained committed to music, writing, poetry, her extended family -- and living a life that would matter and be remembered.
The Life and Legacy of the George Tate Family
Captain George Tate, mast agent for the King of England from 1751 to the Revolutionary War, and his descendants helped shape the development of Portland (first known as Falmouth) through activities such as commerce, shipping, and real estate.
Site Page
The Freedom & Captivity digital collection in the Maine Memory Network, and the complete digital archive housed at Colby Special Collections, is a repository of personal testimonies, ephemera, memorabilia, artifacts, and visual materials that capture multiple dimensions of the experiences of incarceration for individuals, families, and communities, as well as for survivors of harm.
Site Page
John Martin: Expert Observer - Dr. Charles Snell, Bangor, ca. 1867
"The Charles Snell pictured practiced in Bangor and his father in Oxford County. John Martin (1823-1907) drew this sketch of the son "to show how…"
Lloyd LaFountain III family legacy and creating own path
by Biddeford Cultural & Heritage Center
Lloyd followed in his family’s footsteps of serving Biddeford and the State of Maine.
Cantor Beth & Dr David Strassler: personal insights on life
by Biddeford Cultural & Heritage Center
The journey of a couple devoted to each other, their family, their community and their religion
Lesson Plan
Teddy Roosevelt, Millie, and the Elegant Ride Companion Curriculum
Grade Level: 3-5, 6-8
Content Area: Social Studies
These lesson plans were developed by Maine Historical Society for the Seashore Trolley Museum as a companion curriculum for the historical fiction YA novel "Teddy Roosevelt, Millie, and the Elegant Ride" by Jean. M. Flahive (2019). The novel tells the story of Millie Thayer, a young girl who dreams of leaving the family farm, working in the city, and fighting for women's suffrage. Millie's life begins to change when a "flying carpet" shows up in the form of an electric trolley that cuts across her farm and when a fortune-teller predicts that Millie's path will cross that of someone famous. Suddenly, Millie finds herself caught up in events that shake the nation, Maine, and her family. The lesson plans in this companion curriculum explore a variety of topics including the history of the trolley use in early 20th century Maine, farm and rural life at the turn of the century, the story of Theodore Roosevelt and his relationship with Maine, WWI, and the flu pandemic of 1918-1920.