Keywords: farewell
Item 10085
Camp Merryweather Farewell Message, 1938
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1938-07-17 Location: Belgrade Lakes Media: Ink on paper
Item 23799
Preceptor's farewell to Hannah Pierce, Fryeburg, 1819
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1819 Location: Fryeburg Media: Ink on paper
Scientist, author and explorer Donald B. MacMillan established Wiscasset as his homeport for many of the voyages he made to the Arctic region starting in the early 1920s.
Rum, Riot, and Reform - A Call to Temperance
"X The Drunkard's Child's Farewell Sheet Music, 1888 Courtesy of Timothy L. Smith Written by Saco's William Grant Brooks (1869 - ca.1925), this…"
Site Page
Farmington: Franklin County's Shiretown - Farewell appearance of Lillian Nordica, London, ca. 1913
"Farewell appearance of Lillian Nordica, London, ca. 1913 Contributed by Farmington Public Library Description Lillian Nordica began a…"
Site Page
"… since the Franklin Journal reported the last farewell took place at one o'clock A.M. "The good-byes were spoken, and at an early hour the homeward…"